5 Simple tips to take care of your jewellery

Why jewellery care is important 
Taking care of your jewellery ensures that it stays in the best condition possible & you get the most out of your purchase. Using these simple tips will help to lengthen the life of your gems. 

Avoid spraying perfume & applying lotions on jewellery 

Its best to spray perfumes & apply any moisturizer/lotions before putting your jewellery on. Overtime it can damage the jewellery causing a reaction such as tarnishing & discolouration. Personally, I find it easier to put on all my jewellery as the finishing touch to getting ready.

    Avoid wearing jewellery when doing activities 

Avoiding wearing jewellery when exercising, swimming, showering or doing any deep cleaning can be wise as exposure to water and chemicals over time can cause damage to your jewellery. Intense sweating when exercising can also cause tarnishing & discolouration.  


The storage of jewellery is also important when you are not wearing your pieces. We recommend keeping jewellery separate from each other so that it does not scratch or rub causing tarnishing & scratches. When you order from us you receive a jewellery bag for storage & you can purchase more separately. This can be an excellent way to store jewellery individually. Having a jewellery box can be another great way of storing jewellery as they will have separate compartments for separating your jewellery. It will also prevent tangling of necklaces & bracelets (How annoying is it when that happens ?!). Having your pieces kept away from direct sunlight can prevent discolouration.


When you purchase jewellery from us you receive a soft jewellery cleaning cloth to polish up your gems. Avoid using water & soaps especially when cleaning gemstones as some get damaged with water. Gently buffing your pieces up with the cleaning cloth will keep them shiny & in good condition. 

Remove your jewellery before sleeping 

Personally, I like to take off my jewellery before bed for comfort, but everyone is different. Sleeping with jewellery on may cause damage such as tarnishing, or it could pull & potentially break. Removing jewellery & putting it into storage for the night prevents damage & gives it some rest from being worn.  

 We hope these tips are useful & help you to get the most out of your jewellery. 

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