5 ways to unwind & practice self care

This week we want to share with you some ways that help us unwind & make us feel good. Sometimes its the little things that make a big difference to our mood, the little habits that we put in place & our daily routines. Its so important that we show up for ourselves by taking a bit of time to refresh. At times we can feel guilty for spending time on ourselves but I always think you cannot pour from an empty cup, we need to do things that make us feel good in order to do good. If we ignore our self care, we can feel irritable & run down, at least that is the case for me & Joanne! Especially as we are such introverts its so important that we have our alone time to recharge. Even if you are more extrovert, using these selfcare exercises are good for some self reflection. 

Tip 1 - Having a long bath/shower & pampering yourself

virtuee: “ something i need right now ”

It may sound so cliché to say have a bath but there is a reason it is over used, because it is so relaxing! For me I always schedule in a long bath once a week usually on a Sunday. Doing all my treatments such as a face mask, exfoliating & oiling my hair makes me feel absolutely brand new! Doing this after a long day especially does the trick of unwinding. Having a warm bath can help to relax the muscles reducing tension & pain & also helps to moisturise your body. It is said that is good for your cardiovascular health as it raises your body temperature & can increase your serotonin levels. This can also help with a better nights sleep as it relaxes you & your muscles. I like to think of it as having your own little spa at home, lighting some candles & putting on some music & caring for your body. 

Tip 2 - Journaling

This has become more popular in recent years and there is a reason for it. Journaling is honestly like being your own therapist. There are many ways to do it & you may feel a little awkward at first but once you start you wont be able to stop. I like to do this when I feel like it & not make it a daily chore & feel I have to record everything. If something is on your mind just let it flow on the page, don't worry about handwriting or spelling because it is just for you. It really lets you get things off your chest that you may not want to say to someone & reading back through it can be really interesting. Journaling really helps you to become self aware of your feelings & patterns of your thoughts, it really helps you to get to the bottom of an issue. Taking some time out when your head feels messy just to write it all out can take a weight of your shoulders & your head! 

Tip 3 - Exercising & stretching 

Don't panic when I say exercising, it doesn't always mean going to the gym for hours, it just simply means moving your body. Going on a walk, run, bike ride or dancing, anything that you enjoy. There are some amazing 10 minute workouts on YouTube when you don't want anything too long or you don't have that much time in your day. A really fun one to do is a dance workout, whenever I don't really feel like doing a workout a dance exercise really gets things flowing & getting me into a good mood. Stretching your body is a really calming & slow way of moving your body & getting the blood flowing, it also feels amazing for any tense muscles. We all know that working out is good for your health but it also has some amazing results for your mood too & mental wellbeing, your not always going to feel motivated to do it but sometimes doing the things we don't want to do is an act of self care because you are taking care of your future self. 

Tip 4 - Spiritual practices 

there's still a little magic in the air strangesigils: Negative Comme

Everyone has their own beliefs & rituals but if you are here then something tells me you are into crystals & the universe & all that good stuff! So one of the things I love to do if I have a spare 15/20 mins is to do my oracle cards & listen in to my spirit guides. I set up a space with my crystals & some incense & pick out some cards & sit & read them. Its a lovely thing to do if you are feeling a little lost & want some guidance. Its a really good way of strengthening your intuition & trust in the universe. It goes with working with your crystals & strengthening your relationship with them. 

Tip 5 - Setting up a sacred space

Setting up a little space for yourself is as simple as lighting a candle, getting your favourite blanket & a cup of tea. That is a little self care ritual. Making something like sitting down on the sofa extra special. It really helps apricate the little things in life & creates magic moments. Its basically the concept of hygge which is from the Danish culture meaning to enjoy the simplicity of being cosy & comfortable. Its taking time out of the daily rush to create a cosy space to enjoy with friends, family or alone. It is a relaxing ritual to set up your cosy space with lighting, scent & refreshments & just enjoy the present moment. This can work wonders as it relaxes your mind & body. Its great to also combine this with some journaling as I like to do on an afternoon at home. 

We hope that you have enjoyed reading our little tips on unwinding & selfcare. Let us know what you do to unwind! These are just some of the things we find helpful to fill up our cup. We hope that you find the time for some practices of self care & remember we are all worthy of some downtime & looking after, its essential. 




 P.S all these images are from Pinterest x 

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