August moon

August full moon 

Its a full moon tonight, in fact its a supermoon! The perfect time to cleanse & recharge your crystals. We are going to share some things that we like to do on a full moon to harness that powerful energy. 

 Charge your crystals

This is the perfect time to charge your crystals in the light of the moon. Crystals need to be charged & cleansed regularly as they absorb our energy. If you feel like there has been a lot of negativity & stress then you might want to cleanse them of these energies. This includes any gemstone jewellery. Put your crystals by a window so that the light of the full moon can reach them or you could put them in  a safe place in your garden. 

Release & let go

The full moon is all about letting go of what no longer serves you & releasing self limiting beliefs. A good thing to do is write down things that you want to let go of this full moon so you can make way for what serves you to manifest. After this exercise, focus on what you want to bring in & know that you are charged with new energy to make it happen. 


I love burning incense most days but especially for a full moon. Incense changes the energy in the room & always relaxes me. Its good to open the window after to let out any stagnant energy. After doing this the room will be cleansed, making way for new energy. When we hold on to old ways of being we are unable to let new things in.   


Meditating on a full moon can be powerful as the energy is so high, tune in to yourself & your intuition & see what comes about for you. I love to do oracle cards on a full moon to seek guidance from spirit guides. If you are sensitive to energies sometimes the full moon can be too intense, so doing some grounding & using lower chakra crystals, it will help you to feel more calm.   



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