Crystals for anxiety

I am sure we have all been through phases of our lives when we have felt anxious or maybe it has been a constant ongoing problem for you. Anxiety is hard to deal with as it affects how we act, think & perceive the world. In extreme cases it can take over your life. Feeling anxious can be caused by many things such as a bad experience or traumatic event or a series of sub- conscious beliefs that have built up over a period of time. There are also so many different types of anxiety, general anxiety, panic disorder or social the list goes on. I'm not saying that a crystal will cure your anxiety but they can play a part in soothing & helping you to overcome it. Always seek help if you feel that your anxiety is getting too much, therapy & doing the inner work alongside crystal healing can be an excellent combination. 

Me & Joanne have struggled with panic attacks in the past where we would feel claustrophobic, feel sick & faint if we were in a certain situation. It has definitely held us back at times & stopped us from going to certain places or being in situations. My anxiety returned after lockdown & things went back to normal, going into shops I would have anxious thoughts & not want to go out. I am sure many people can relate to that. Thankfully I am used to going back to "normal" & I don't feel that way now. There are times where I do have those thoughts & I can start to spiral but learning certain techniques & working with crystals & my mindset I can get through it. 

Having our jewellery came in handy when I was learning to drive & I was feeling anxious every lesson. I was a bit late to the driving scene as I have not long passed at the age of 25, I was too afraid of having a panic attack while driving. I finally decided to give it a go & I would always wear my gemstone bracelets. I wore tigers eye, blue lace agate & white howlite. I also carried black onyx, tigers eye, white howlite, amethyst & blue lace agate in my pocket. Just knowing I was wearing them & had them with me did wonders. I used to think of them as my emotional support bracelets. I still keep the crystals in my car now! 

Here are some crystals to try out for your anxiety


Amethyst is a crystal of the mind as it is connected to the third eye chakra. Amethyst sooths worries & helps remove negative energies in your mind. It provides protection & opens up intuition which can help you trust more & trust yourself & your body. It can also help with restful sleep which helps to balance your mood, also helping with anxiety.

Tigers eye- 

Tigers eye is a grounding stone, helping you to stay centred & in control. It helps with confidence, keeping your cool in difficult situations. If you are going into a situation where you need some courage, tigers eye is the one to wear or carry. I always wear a tigers eye wellbeing bracelet when I need some self-confidence. I would always wear it when I went on a driving lesson, needing confidence in myself.

Black onyx -

This is another grounding gemstone, I feel like you need to ground yourself a lot when you are feeling anxious. Grounding yourself makes you feel safe & secure, that is what you need when you are having worrying thoughts racing through your mind. Black onyx helps to elevate worries & fears, encouraging you to feel safe in your environment. Black onyx is protective & can absorb negative energies. 

White howlite- 

White howlite is a stone of the mind, helping you to focus. I always feel that it helps me to focus on calming myself down & concentrate on calming thoughts. White howlite is perfect for calming & soothing feelings of anxiety, anger & tension. Sometimes when we are anxious we can also feel rage out of fustration because we feel a lack of control, causing an anxious feeling. It can even be fustration of ourselves for feeling this way. White howlite can be great for meditation & deep breathing exercises, creating a calm mind.

Blue lace agate-

Blue lace agate is a great stone to wear or have with you when you are feeling anxious or unsettled. It is a blue gemstone which means it is connected to the throat chakra, aiding communication so if you struggle with social anxiety, it can help you to stay calm & communicate with others around you. I love the look of blue lace agate, it is very calming to look at closely as you can see a ripple effect. If I have had a long stressful day I find it helpful to hold blue lace agate & look at it while deep breathing just for five minutes.

I love being able to wear these precious gems & carry them round with me to help me stay calm in situations when I need it. I hope that our jewellery can provide you with a calming feeling & knowledge that you have all the tools with you to get through anything.   




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