How to make gemstones work for you

What is the obsession with gemstone jewellery right now ? & How does it work ? 

You have most likely seen the trend of gemstone & crystal healing over the last few years & now gemstone jewellery. You may have wondered what its all about or you may be well into it. The trend of crystal healing has taken us by storm & encouraged us to take a more holistic approach to life. Its taught us to go with in & become self aware. 

Of course this "trend" has been around for centuries & has recently grown popular. It could be that people are more stressed out now more than ever as our lives get busier & are looking for something to bring back peace into their lives. You may be wondering, do I just get a crystal & then everything works out & I'm happy ? Its not always as simple as that. You may even be thinking that it sounds ridiculous that a stone can have all these properties. I'm here to show you how you can work with crystals & make them work for you.     

 Firstly you need to choose a crystal that you are drawn to & get to know it. Find out its properties & sit somewhere & get a feel for it. Hold your crystal, feeling the shape of it & set your intention, what do you want from it ? What do you want to bring in to your life? Its sort of like a meditation, just getting a sense of what you are feeling in your body & mind in the moment. 

Crystals are a form of energy & are vibrating at a certain frequency. You have to tune into this frequency & that means getting into the right mindset to be able to work with it. Don't worry about getting it "right" if you start to worry about how your working with them & think its not going to work for you then it most likely wont. A big part of it is relaxing into it & seeing how you feel. 

Once you feel comfortable with your crystal you may start to notice changes in your life big & small. What I love about crystal healing is that it gets you into a good mindset & you start to live more in the present moment which can have amazing health benefits. 

It can help to say some affirmations when holding your crystal to set your intention or simply just visualise what it is you want. It could be, being more confident speaking in public, so you would most likely choose a crystal connected to the throat chakra ( Usually blue ). Setting your intention with it & take it with you. It can help to wear it as a necklace so its close to the throat chakra & see if you feel the difference. Again it works with mindset as well so you need to do the work in you mind & believe that you are confident with the crystal by your side guiding you. 

Crystals are a beautiful tool to help you bring in more of what you desire into your life.  So why not give it a go? let us know your experience with crystals or if you are thinking of hopping on the trend. 



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