How we run a business & work full time

How to run a business & work full time

Running a business & starting it up can be challenging, exciting & scary. There is so much to learn & so many different avenues to go down. If you are anything like us, you want to do it all at once! Doing this is very time consuming & trying to balance life, jobs & our business can be very frustrating at times. I just want to mention that this is not a pity post & we are not looking for sympathy, everyone has their own individual challenges & we would like to just share parts of our lives with you & share our personal challenges, hoping to help some of you. 

We both work full time while running pink aura & one day hoping to be able to do pink aura jewellery full time & express our creativity & add some value. It can be challenging at times to keep being consistent & manage our time. 


Planning what we do & when is so important. I find that using a planner & a to do list is essential. On the days that I am working, in the morning before I leave I write out a few tasks I want to complete after work & leave it on my desk so when I get home its there for me to see & I know what I need to do. Even something as simple as that really helps me to focus. I only write out small tasks so I am not overwhelming myself with work & left feeling burnt out. Just doing a couple of steps each evening helps me to feel that I am being proactive because at times if I'm just working everyday & not working on our business, it can feel like I am drifting further from my goals & this can cause some stress. I find it makes you feel good to do one small task each day & keeps you focused on what you want. 


We both have different work schedules so it can be difficult to arrange time to work together & film content together. We always try to arrange a day that we can spend time on our business, discussing ideas & filming lots of content. So if you ever see us wearing the same clothes in three different videos then this is why. If we cant do a day we will most likely do an evening together once a week. Once we have all our content filmed & sorted we will then schedule & discuss when & what to post each day. We find this helps us to be consistent with posting on Instagram rather than winging it & not knowing what to post, it does save a lot of time.

Being consistent when tiredness hits 

With any goal that you set consistency is key. So creating a routine & habits that align with those goals is important. I find creating routines that are easy to follow help, when something is too complicated & overwhelming we are most likely not going to do it, the brain likes bitesize chunks. Like I mentioned earlier doing simple & small tasks each day is the way to go. Everyone is different & some people work harder when there is not much time & thrive on the pressure & working late but for us we preferer a more steady pace. For me I love to have the right balance & not feel overworked so completing some small tasks & then rewarding myself with a rest on the sofa with some tick tock scrolling helps me to push through. It can be so difficult to want to work on a business after being at work all day but remembering why you started can re ignite the passion & creativity. Which brings me onto the next section.... 


Visualising your dream lifestyle is the best tip for working on your business while trying to work a day job. Before going to work in the morning I like to imagine going to our workshop for the day to create. Doing this creates that excitement & then I look forward to coming home & working on our business. When you don't feel like sitting down to do the work, remembering your vision & why you created the business in the first place is motivation to push through with the tasks. It can also help to look at the situation as temporary & soon you will be working on your business full time. 


While we are no expert & most of the time we are winging it, we have learnt how to be consistent & work full time. We also have learnt how challenging it really is & the real work you have to put in. What we do know is that we will never stop trying to make it work & believe that is is possible for us to use our creativity to make beautiful things & spread the joy!       



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