New serenity collection

 Serenity gemstone bracelets

Introducing our new serenity collection full of beautiful gemstones & charms. We wanted to create a unique collection using gemstones, gold beads & our gold plated charms. In this collection we have brought in new gemstones such as black onyx & citrine. 

Black onyx is a grounding stone as it is connected to the root chakra. This stone is good to wear/work with in times of stress & worry. It is said to elevate fears & anxiety, so when things seem to be up in the air & uncertain, wearing this stone may help you to feel more centred & reassured. Black onyx encourages you to feel safe in your environment so if you are feeling unsettled somewhere or perhaps in a new place, having this stone near helps to relax you. 

Using a darker stone such as black onyx is different to our usual pink aura style but we wanted to create a bold look & something unique. We also wanted to work with more root chakra/grounding stones to have a balance with the higher chakra stones we usually work with. Using a cactus charm with this stone went perfectly because a cactus is a symbol of strength & it reminds you when you are going through a stressful time that you are strong. 

Citrine is the stone to wear & work with if you are wanting to manifest abundance & wealth. We wanted to create a bracelet that would help get you motivated to make your goals happen! During these dark winter months it can be hard to find any motivation but working with citrine can spark that drive within you to make things happen. Citrine is connected to the sacral & solar plexus chakras which is where our creativity comes from. 

Pairing this stone with the dandelion charm is a reminder to let our goals & manifestations go & let the universe do the rest. This an important step in the manifestation process. Dandelions are all about letting things go just as the plant lets go of its seeds in the breeze. When we cling to things & thoughts in desperation this can be painful & disrupts the natural cycle. Letting things go puts us in a state of being at one with nature. The colours of this bracelet remind us of a golden sunset in the summer, that alone gives me some motivation in these winter months. 

Citrine serenity bracelet

We have also worked with gemstones that are existing in our others collections & paired them with charms that flow with the gemstone. Browse our new serenity collection to discover more. I hope we have provided you with something valuable in this post & that you have fun creating new looks with our gems 🤍

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