What is lucky girl syndrome?

You have most likely seen the trend lucky girl syndrome around on social media. What is lucky girl syndrome you ask? Its basically similar to the law of attraction, where you believe that everything works out for you & goes in your favour. You affirm that you are lucky & good things happen to you.

Is it toxic positivity? Some people have said that the trend is forcing people to be positive all the time & ignore negative feelings & obstacles that may get in the way. I think with a lot of things you have to take it with a pinch of salt & not live by everything that you see on social media. It is good to see a positive trend online that influences you to dream big & encourage you to reach your goals & believe. 

What is the difference between lucky girl syndrome & law of attraction?

With lucky girl syndrome it encourages you to believe you are lucky and forgets to tell you about the hard work that can be involved & the ups & downs before you get your "luck". This is the difference between luck & law of attraction. Law of attraction is more in depth & tells you that you also have to put in the work for you to reach your goals. Just saying affirmations alone is not enough for them to work, you also have to do the hard work along side. 

The law of attraction encourages you to look at your beliefs about your self & how you have attracted the current life that you have & what you have to do to get the one you desire. Lucky girl syndrome is just believing that you are lucky. 

Does it actually work ? 

There are many people on social media saying they have seen good results from this way of thinking & it has changed their life for the better. There are also many studies about the benefits of thinking in a positive way & saying affirmations daily. When you look for the positive things you will find them. When you do start to live life in a positive way & believe that you can attract these good experiences it can actually change the chemistry of your brain & cells. Many people say that you can "rewire" your brain & change the way you think naturally ,for example you can train your brain to think of the positives instead of looking for the negatives or think calmly instead of jumping to an angry reaction because most of what we think is a learnt reaction built up of sub-conscious belief systems that have been in place since we were young. It is possible to change but you also have to put in the hard work of doing that which lucky girl syndrome does not mention.       


 There are always going to be downsides of anything but I think that it is great to see people encouraging self belief & positivity but I think its just remembering that to get what you want you also have to put in the work along side affirmations. Sometimes things don't work out exactly as we planned but it could turn out even better than you expected or sometimes bad things just happen that no one can explain. Its also good to honour your "negative" feelings & just sit with them for a while because the more you try & force them away, your not dealing with them in a healthy way. 

Lucky girl syndrome is a lovely way of building some positive energy & there is no harm in jumping on the trend but remember everyone is different & are at different stages in their journeys. Do your deep inner work to see changes. 

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