What we have been up to this month

Hey, welcome to our new monthly newsletter/monthly blog update! We thought we would start doing a monthly blog to update you on what's been going on at Pink aura HQ. We love the idea of sharing behind the scenes stuff in hope that you will get to know us more. 

First off, this month has had the creative juices flowing for us & we are full of new ideas & excitement. For us, our favourite season is the summer! Its when we feel the most aligned & wanting to pursue our passions. The suns energy is full of creativity & masculine energy, encouraging discipline to take action on on goals, so now is the best time to harness that energy. We have been spending a lot of time in nature & with everything blooming its hard not to get inspired. Even when I have felt tired or its been a long day, just sitting outside on the grass changes my mood, would 100% recommend doing this for a dose of serotonin.   

With all this creativity we have launched some new products! We have some new necklaces, anklets & a small collection of bracelets that combine the different gemstones together. Sometimes Joanne, who is the creative force behind the designs, will get the urge to make a new design & get inspired by a new collection. This is why you can always be sure that we will have a mid season launch with new products! 

We have also been working together on making more content for Instagram, which means showing our faces more. For so long neither of us had the confidence to go on camera & put ourselves out there. For some people it can come naturally but for us as introverts it has been a challenging journey! & we are still on that journey now. We have gradually become better at it but we still have a long way to go. We really want to build a community with our customers & for people to get to know us & a good way of doing that is interacting on social media! We have come to learn as a small business that making content is extremely important to get a brand out there & we have also learnt how hard & time consuming it can be. So hats off to all the content creators out there! Now we are a little more comfortable with showing our faces & personalities we have really enjoyed making content weather that be a silly reel or showing off our products. What we have also enjoyed is bringing out our personalities, although we are normally quiet, when we are together we do not stop talking & laughing. 

Another thing that we have starting doing this month is blogging weekly. I have really enjoyed starting this blogging journey ( Lauren ) I feel that there is so much to share & discuss. This another way that you can get to know us & our brand. Although we just sell jewellery, we feel that when you wear & enjoy gemstone jewellery there is so much more to it than the beauty of the crystals, its about a certain lifestyle & mindset. We are so passionate about these topics that we want it to become part of our brand & mission, to empower & inspire you. 

We are in the process of our first giveaway on Instagram (Last entry 30th June). Giveaways are fun to do & we wanted to offer you guys a treat! We will be doing monthly giveaways over on our Instagram, all you have to do is follow our page, share the post & tag a friend for a chance to win. This months prize is our beautiful green jade affirmation rocks bracelet, we will be announcing the winner next week on our page. We are so grateful for any shares & support on our page. 

I hope you have enjoyed catching up with us! Let us know if you want to hear any specific topics on our blog & I will be happy to do it.     

Pink aura team 



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